- Center Theatre Group
- Account
- Overview
My Account
{{ acc.user.name }}
Email address: {{ acc.user.email }}
Account Number: {{ acc.user.customerNo }}
Phone number: {{ acc.user.phone }}
Connected via Facebook
Pending Student Matinee Application
Approved Student Matinee Application
Approved Student Matinee Application
{{ ::lineItem|performanceLongTitle }}
Educator Conference(s): {{ ::lineItem.niceConferenceDates }}
Conference attendance is required. Educators are welcome whether or not they are attending the Student Matinee performance.
Each application is subject to a $50 enrollment fee that covers all administrative and educational expenses. This fee must be received on or before the Educator Conference date.
My Account Credits
{{ onAccountItem.current_balance | currency }} — {{onAccountItem | productionNameFromAccountItem}}
My Upcoming Events
{{ ::event.description }}
Subscribers: For free ticket exchanges for mainstage productions online, your subscription package must be paid in full. If it is partially paid, please call Subscriber Services at 213.972.4444.
My Memberships and Subscriptions
{{ membership.band.title }}
Membership Level: {{ membership.level.level }}
Expires: {{ membership.expr_dt | concatDateTime }}
{{ subscription.constituency }} {{ subscription.attribute }}
{{ subscription.attribute_value_constituencey }}
Packages for renewal
Order #{{order.orderNo}}
{{order.purchasedOn | concatDateTime: 'EEE, MMM d, y' : {showfulltime: true} }}
Total Amount: {{order.tot_due_amt|currency}}
*Please note: When renewing your subscription, we cannot guarantee that your seating improvement request can be accommodated at this time. An authorization will be placed on your credit card for your original package pricing, and an additional charge or credit may be made to your associated payment method when we are able to confirm your request.