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Item(s) Quantity Rate Price

{{parentPackageLineItem.pkg_desc}} {{ package | packageDYOName }}

{{ performanceFromLineitem(packageLineItem) | performanceLongTitle }}

{{ packageLineItem.perf_dt | concatDateTime:'EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy':{showfulltime:true, tbaText: performanceFromLineitem(packageLineItem).dateTba} }} {{ packageLineItem.facility_desc }} - {{ getPackageSubLineItemsForPackage(packageLineItem) | map:'zone_desc' | unique | join: ', ' }} - {{ getPackageSubLineItemsForPackage(packageLineItem) | map: seatFromSubline | remove: null | join: ', ' }} {{ numberOfSubscriptionsInParentPackage(parentPackageLineItem) }} x Subscribers

View / Change Seat Location(s) Add Seats Add Seats
Special Requests: {{ getADADetailsForLineItem(parentPackageLineItem, true) }}
Change Seats {{ numberOfSubscriptionsInParentPackage(parentPackageLineItem) }} {{ numberOfSubscriptionsInParentPackage(parentPackageLineItem) }} {{ yapApplication ? 'Attendees' : 'Subscribers' }} at {{ (totalPriceOfParentPackage(parentPackageLineItem) / numberOfSubscriptionsInParentPackage(parentPackageLineItem)) | currency }} - {{ totalPriceOfParentPackage(parentPackageLineItem) | currency }}

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Making changes on the current page or to your seat location may result in a charge or credit to your associated payment method.

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{{ performanceFromLineitem(lineItem) | performanceLongTitle }}

{{ lineItem.perf_dt | concatDateTime:'EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy':{showfulltime:true} }} {{lineItem.facility_desc}} {{ getSubLineItemsForLineItem(lineItem) | map:'zone_desc' | unique | join: ', ' }} {{ getSubLineItemsForLineItem(lineItem) | map: seatFromSubline | remove: null | join: ', ' }}

Special Requests: {{ getADADetailsForLineItem(lineItem, false) }}
View / Change Seat Location(s) {{getSubLineItemsForLineItem(lineItem, priceType).length}} {{subLineItems.length}} {{priceType.description}} at {{ getBasePrice(subLineItems[0]) | currency }} {{subLineItems[0].due_amt | currency}} {{getSubLineItemsForLineItem(lineItem) | sumOfValue:'due_amt' | currency}}
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1 {{payment.pmt_amt | abs | currency}} {{payment.pmt_amt | abs | currency}}
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{{ contribution.fund_desc }}

  1 {{ contribution.contribution_amt| abs | currency }} {{ contribution.contribution_amt| abs | currency }}

Support our recovery efforts

Please consider including a fully tax-deductible donation with your subscription today. Your gift will support our ongoing pandemic recovery efforts, helping us continue to bring world-class theatre to audiences, students, and community members across Los Angeles.

Subtotal {{getSubTotal() | currency}}
Handling Fees {{ (cartData.Order.HandlingCharges - packageHandlingDiscount) | currency}}
Discounts {{getDiscountAmount() | currency}}
{{payment.description}} - ({{payment.gc_no}}) -{{payment.pmt_amt | currency}}
{{onAccountItem.description}} - Remove {{onAccountItem.used_in_session | currency}}

After the most challenging period in our history, we are on the road to recovery. But we still need help from theatre-lovers like you.
Please consider adding a donation today to help ensure we can continue to bring world-class theatre to audiences, students, and community members across Los Angeles.

Total to pay Total to credit account {{cartData.Order.balance_to_charge | currency}}
You have {{onAccountItem.on_account | currency}} credit for {{onAccountItem | productionNameFromAccountItem}}: for {{ ProdctionNameFromPaymentMethod(onAccountItem.pmt_method) }}
Please make sure you've added performances of the same name, same quantity, and the same price type to continue.
You have reached the allocation for {{ allocation.perf_description }}. Please remove {{ allocation.brought - allocation.allocation }} ticket(s) for this performance to continue with your purchase.

Members/Subscribers: Please login to access presales and view your subscriptions.

American Express