Casting Director

A casting director helps other members of a creative team decide which performers should be hired for a play or musical. A casting director has to have broad knowledge of working actors in many different forms of media, from theatre to film to YouTube stars. They select performers who might be a good fit for a certain character, and then coordinate auditions to help the director, producer, and sometimes the playwright or composer decide who will be the best fit for each role. Casting directors can be freelancers, hired for one show or project by a producer, or part-time or full-time staff members at larger theatre companies. They often discover their passion for casting after starting out as actors, stage managers, or directors. They do not need a specific degree, and do not currently belong to a union.

About the Video: Andrew Lynford, Casting Associate

Center Theatre Group Casting Associate Andrew Lynford says he has a research job: in order to cast well, he has to be aware of what’s happening in the industry and familiar not just with actors but directors, producers, and what’s onstage at any given moment. Lynford explains how his background in directing helped him land a gig casting West End productions and reveals both the day-to-day duties of the job and its highlights.

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