
Most theatres are nonprofit organizations, which means they exist to serve the public good. Because of this, many have fundraising professionals on their staff who ask for support for the theatre from individuals, the government, and for-profit companies. Fundraising, often called development or institutional advancement, is a great career path for people who are passionate about an art form and like to get other people excited about it. Development jobs are usually full-time positions with benefits. Many people go into development after majoring in theatre or another arts discipline and discover that they enjoy supporting the art form in this unique way.

About the Video: Matthew Sutphin, Special Events Coordinator

Are you the life of the party—but also well-organized, passionate about giving back, and a good multi-tasker? You might have a future in event coordination! Center Theatre Group Special Events Coordinator Matthew Sutphin talks about the work that goes into putting together events for donors like backstage tours and opening nights, and how his willingness to try new things has helped advance his career.